My name is Krzysztof Lis and I am a PhD student at the EPFL Computer Vision Lab of Pascal Fua. I come from Poland and did my master's degree at ETH Zurich. My research concerns visual perception for autonomous cars:

  • detecting unusual and anomalous objects,
  • semantic segmentation,
  • jointly perceiving semantic and 3D information about the scene.

Apart from computer vision, my interests are game development, digital art, fantasy & science-fiction.

Contact: or .


SegmentMeIfYouCan: A Benchmark for Anomaly Segmentation

Robin Chan, Krzysztof Lis , Svenja Uhlemeyer, Hermann Blum, Sina Honari, Roland Siegwart, Pascal Fua, Mathieu Salzmann, Matthias Rottmann

NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks 2021

Detecting Road Obstacles by Erasing Them

Krzysztof Lis , Sina Honari, Pascal Fua, Mathieu Salzmann

ArXiv 2020

Detecting the Unexpected via Image Resynthesis

Krzysztof Lis , Krishna Nakka, Pascal Fua, Mathieu Salzmann

ICCV 2019

Geometric and Physical Constraints for Drone-Based Head Plane Crowd Density Estimation

Weizhe Liu, Krzysztof Lis , Mathieu Salzmann, Pascal Fua

IROS 2019


Label Grab

Annotation tool for semantic and instance segmentation, with automated help from the GrabCut algorithm implemented in OpenCV .

The algorithm attempts to find the foreground object in a user-selected bounding box. It presents a suggested per-pixel mask, the user can then correct its mistakes and next suggestion will take those into account.

Augmented Unreality

Augmented Unreality is a plugin for Unreal Engine 4 which enables creation of augmented reality applications by displaying a video stream from a camera inside the game and tracking camera position using the ArUco fiducial markers .

I created it as a semester project at ETH Zürich.

Comparing Python, Go, and C++ on the N-Queens Problem

Using the XML-native database BaseX to process big XML data.

LaTeX cleaner

A tool for preparing LaTeX sources for submission to ArXiv.

Kubernetes Job Dashboard

Web dashboard for jobs running on EPFL’s Kubernetes cluster for my and others labs. Lists pods per user, the number of GPUs allocated, GPU memory and compute utilization. The backend is using an async Python HTTP server aiohttp and interfacing with the Kubernetes API. The frontend web-application uses Preact.

Conquering a 5 GiB XML file with XML-native databases

Using the XML-native database BaseX to process big XML data.
