Conquering a 5 GiB XML file with XML-native databases

Krzysztof Lis

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XML-native databases (BaseX, eXist-db) are valuable tools for exploring and processing massive XML data.

In this article, I show an example of loading, exploring and applying business logic to TARIC, the integrated tariff database of the European Union.

Using BaseX, we can load the massive 5GiB dataset directly, without any conversions. Despite the data size, we can use efficient queries to inspect the structure of the data.

The XQuery language provides very flexible queries of XML documents, but requires some mental effort when used for complex algorithms.

Using XML-native technologies avoids conversions to other formats and data-structure design, significantly reducing the development effort.

BaseX is ready to be integrated into a distributed application, for example as a REST data-source.

Table of contents

XML-native databases

While the core data-structure of SQL databases is a table with homogenous rows, the XML databases store and query a tree of XML nodes. We evaluate the following XML-native databases:

They share many common characteristics and features:

In the experiments that follow, we find that BaseX can deal with bigger files, and executes queries several times faster than eXist-db. We speculate it may be due to its extensive indexing, or query optimization (the optimized version of the query is shown in the bottom left corner of the window).
Considering those results, we recommend BaseX over eXist-db.

The TARIC dataset

The TARIC database concerns EU import/export tariffs, the classification of goods, agricultural measures, prohibitions and restrictions to import and export, customs currency exchange rates and so on.

Data Size

We download the dataset for the beginning of 2020: [ISZTAR4 - Tariff Browser - Startup file download].

The size of the decompressed file base-20200101T000000-20200116T013000.xml is 5.3 GiB. This poses a challenge for traditional tools such as text editors or DOM parsers, while an XML-native database is well suited for processing such data.

Processing Tasks

In this experiment we focus on the section concerning the classification of goods. The goods are arranged into a hierarchy of categories, for example bees are located at Live Animals / Other live animals / Insects / Bees. The database contains only a flat list of categories, and the hierarchy has to be implied from product codes and other properties. We intend to reconstruct the hierarchy, for use for example in a selection GUI. We implement the following:

Directory structure

Setup and data import - BaseX

Let us start with BaseX. We perform the setup, import and queries using the BaseX GUI At the time of the experiment, the latest version is 9.3.1.


There is a Docker image available: basex/basexhttp, but it is based on JDK 8. We prefer to use a newer Java (openjdk 11.0.6) which is installed on our Ubuntu system (package default-jre). For deployment, Docker (potentially with docker-compose) is a very convenient option and it should be easy to rebuild the image on top of updated OpenJDK.


We load the dataset into BaseX without problems and keeping the memory usage low.

Setup and data import - eXist-db

eXist-db is quite similar to BaseX, but instead of a desktop GUI, it has the eXide web interface. As the time of the experiment, the latest version is 5.1.1.


Like before, there is a Docker image: existdb/existdb, but it too is based on JDK 8 and we will use our system's newer JVM instead.


There are many ways to import data into eXist-db: [Getting Data into eXist-db]. Below we detail several attempts to load the big XML file into eXist-db, but all of them have ultimately failed. In the end we extracted the goods nomenclature section (~500MiB) which could be loaded. Nevertheless, we conclude eXist-db struggles with big data.

Java client

First we try the Java client.

cd exist-distribution bash bin/ --user admin --password fff --collection /db/taric/02_import --parse ../data_in/startup-file-20200116T013000/base-20200101T000000-20200116T013000.xml

This attempts to load the whole file into memory and crashes:

Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Required array size too large

Using the GUI client yields the same error, but the GUI does not even inform us about the error and instead shows an endless progress bar.

Web interface

The eXide web interface has an upload feature but already warns us that it can only deal with files up to 100 MiB. True to its word, it silently fails when we supply our big file. No message is shown in the site UI, the only indication of the failure can be found in the JS console.


The database's internal file system is also accessible through WebDAV. There are many programs which can view and manage WebDAV directories, including many OS's file managers. Here we show how to upload the file using the simple CLI program cadaver:

$ cadaver http://localhost:8080/exist/webdav/db Authentication required for exist on server `localhost': Username: admin Password:
cd /exist/webdav/db mkcol taric cd taric mkcol 02_import cd /exist/webdav/db/taric/02_import put data_in/startup-file-20200116T013000/base-20200101T000000-20200116T013000.xml taric-base.xml quit

The upload completes, and the file is stored in /tmp/exist-db-temp-file-manager-10164176935423371398 for processing (we know this location from the logs). Then the database becomes unresponsive and uses a whole CPU core for several minutes. When the processing is over, the data is unfortunately nowhere to be found inside the database. We only get a mysterious log line (exist-distribution/logs/exist.log):

2020-01-23 17:29:50,879 [qtp42338572-53] WARN ( [close]:400) - Transaction was not committed or aborted, auto aborting!

No reason is given why the transaction should be aborted, perhaps this is a bug.

Extracting the goods nomenclature section

We decide to load only the goods nomenclature section which is just ~500MiB. From the exploration performed with BaseX, we know each section is inside a <IsztarHistoryItem> element, so we split the file after each occurence of IsztarHistoryItem. We adapt the awk solution described here:

mkdir -p data_in/split awk 'BEGIN{x="section_0_top";} /IsztarHistoryItem/{x="data_in/split/section_"++i".xml"; next;}{print > x;}' data_in/startup-file-20200116T013000/base-20200101T000000-20200116T013000.xml

The goods nomenclature is located in section_63.xml. We load it using WebDAV as described above, storing it in /db/taric/02_import/goods_nomenclature.xml.

cd /exist/webdav/db/taric/02_import put data_in/split/section_63.xml goods_nomenclature.xml

Dataset exploration

Having loaded the document, we want to inspect its structure. XPath/XQuery allows us to formulate very flexible queries. Thanks to the index structures, these are executed quickly. Such interactivity would not be possible if we had to read the whole file and do a naive string search.

In the BaseX GUI, we open our database from the top menu: Database -> Open & Manage. Some part of the file is shown in the bottom left result viewer (we can return to view the database document by clicking the house button there).

In the top left part of the window, we can browse the code on the disk. Let us open src/basex. The scripts used in this section are in src/basex/03_exploration.

Clicking on a code file will open in in the editor. Then we run the query using the green arrow above the editor.

Top level elements

First we list the names of the top level elements:

(: List names of top-level elements (one below root) :) let $doc := doc("/taric/base-20200101T000000-20200116T013000.xml") let $root := $doc/* return $root/*/name()

Unfortunately they are just <IsztarHistoryItem>s:

ResultsInfo IsztarHistoryItem IsztarHistoryItem IsztarHistoryItem ...

Descending one level, we see the interesting section names.

(: List names of sections, 2 levels down from root :) let $root := doc("/taric/base-20200101T000000-20200116T013000.xml")/* let $section_names := $root/*/*/name() return <SectionOverview> <Num>{count($section_names)}</Num> <Names>{$section_names}</Names> </SectionOverview>

The output can be structured as an XML document:

<SectionOverview> <Num>39</Num> <Names>totalRecords databaseDate executionDate findFootnoteTypeByDatesResponse findCertificateTypeByDatesResponse findAdditionalCodeTypeByDatesResponse findLanguageByDatesResponseHistory ...

Now we know the goods section is located at $root/IsztarHistoryItem/findGoodsNomenclatureByDatesResponse.

Count the goods

We count how many items there are in the goods classification hierarchy. They are given as a flat list.

let $root := doc("/taric/base-20200101T000000-20200116T013000.xml")/* let $goods_section := $root/IsztarHistoryItem/findGoodsNomenclatureByDatesResponse let $goods_items := $goods_section/* return count($goods_items)

There are 62313 items. We run the same query in eXist-db, replacing the top two lines because in eXist-db we have only loaded the goods section:

let $goods_section := doc("/db/taric/02_import/goods_nomenclature.xml")/findGoodsNomenclatureByDatesResponse

The query takes 0.1s in BaseX but 40.1s in eXist-db.

Example item

We can also view a chosen item:

return $goods_items[100]


<GoodsNomenclature xmlns:ns2=""> <hjid>19774026</hjid> <metainfo> <opType>C</opType> <origin>T</origin> <status>L</status> <transactionDate>2010-06-25T18:55:25</transactionDate> </metainfo> <oid>19774026</oid> <sid>27722</sid> <goodsNomenclatureItemId>0102904991</goodsNomenclatureItemId> ...

Verify that all transactions are C

The TARIC XML is an extract from some object database, inluding the history of changes. The database is a list of transactions - adding, modifying or deleting objects.

Specifically, each object tag contains a <metainfo> element describing the nature of the change: the <opType> can be "C" for Create, "D" for Delete and so on.

Two types of documents are published: snapshots for a given date or differential updates since the last published update. We operate on the snapshot for 2020-01-16, so all transactions are creating objects. We can therefore treat the database as a list of existing objects, and ignore the transaction data.

To be sure, we verify that all opTypes are "C" (create) and that the latest transaction is in the past (2019-12-27).

let $root := doc("/taric/base-20200101T000000-20200116T013000.xml")/* let $goods_section := $root/IsztarHistoryItem/findGoodsNomenclatureByDatesResponse let $transactions := $goods_section//metainfo let $t_optypes := $transactions/opType/text() let $t_dates := $transactions/transactionDate/xs:dateTime(text()) return <transactions> <num_transaction_metainfo>{count($transactions)}</num_transaction_metainfo> <uniqueOpTypes>{distinct-values($t_optypes)}</uniqueOpTypes> <transactionDates> <earliest>{min($t_dates)}</earliest> <latest>{max($t_dates)}</latest> </transactionDates> </transactions>

This query takes from 7 to 9 seconds (35.4s in eXist) and confirms that all transactions are Creating objects and all have been in the past.

<transactions> <num_transaction_metainfo>1206873</num_transaction_metainfo> <uniqueOpTypes>C</uniqueOpTypes> <transactionDates> <earliest>1410-07-15T12:00:00</earliest> <latest>2019-12-27T19:19:12</latest> </transactionDates> </transactions>

Extract and filter

The database contains historical data and we need to filter it out to calculate the current state. The scripts used in this section are in src/basex/04_filter_and_extract.

Count currently valid items

Using the <validityStartDate> and <validityEndDate>, we filter the currently valid items:

let $root := doc("/taric/base-20200101T000000-20200116T013000.xml")/* let $goods_section := $root/IsztarHistoryItem/findGoodsNomenclatureByDatesResponse let $goods_items := $goods_section/* let $date_now := xs:dateTime("2020-01-20T12:00:00") let $goods_valid := $goods_items[ (: start date in the past :) xs:dateTime(validityStartDate/text()) <=$date_now and ( (: no end date, or end date in the future :) empty(validityEndDate) or xs:dateTime(validityEndDate/text()) > $date_now ) ] return <ValidityStats> <numGoodsAll>{count($goods_items)}</numGoodsAll> <numGoodsValid>{count($goods_valid)}</numGoodsValid> </ValidityStats>

It appears that around 1/3 of items are currently valid:

<ValidityStats> <numGoodsAll>62313</numGoodsAll> <numGoodsValid>24427</numGoodsValid> </ValidityStats>

Extracting relevant information

The goods categories are stored in a very verbose way in the original dataset, we extract the relevant and up-to-date information. This is done by the query src/basex/04_filter_and_extract/extract02_filter_and_extract.xql and associated functions in taric_goods_extraction.xqm. We are interesting in the following information:

Since the descriptions and indents may have historical version, we take care to extract the latest. The extracted information about a category looks like this:

<GoodsNomenclature code="0101" indent="0" productline="80" hjid="19773322"> <description lang="DE">Pferde, Esel, Maultiere und Maulesel, lebend</description> <description lang="EN">Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies</description> <description lang="FR">Chevaux, ânes, mulets et bardots, vivants</description> <description lang="PL">Konie, osły, muły i osłomuły, żywe</description> </GoodsNomenclature>

We save the results to data_out/goods_nomenclature_flat.xml. Removing historical data and distilling relevant information reduces the data size (of the goods section) from 500MiB to 12MiB.

... let $goods_info_useful := for $goods_elem in $goods_items_valid let $extracted_info := taricxml:extract_goods_info($goods_elem) order by $extracted_info/code return $extracted_info let $goods_nomenclature_flat := <GoodsNomenclatureFlat>{$goods_info_useful}</GoodsNomenclatureFlat> return ( (: store in the DB, :) db:replace("taric", "goods_nomenclature_flat.xml", $goods_nomenclature_flat), (: write output to file system :) file:write("../data_out/goods_nomenclature_flat.xml", $goods_nomenclature_flat) )

Hierarchy of goods categories

The provided list of goods has no explicit hierarchy, such as a parent's code, or list of children. We reconstruct the hierarchy based on the following factors.

TARIC code
The code describes a good's place in the hierarchy. The first two digits specify a high level category, such as 01 Live Animals or 07 Edible Vegetables And Certain Roots And Tubers. The following digits define a hierarchy of finer categories.

Both the broad categories and specific goods are represented by nodes in the database. A high level category will have its digits specified, followed by zeros. For example:

We sort by the codes to ensure that children follow their parent node. We remove the trailing zeros and verify that a parent's code is a prefix of its children's codes.

Product line
If two items have the same code, the one with the lower product line is the parent.

Indents If an item with k indents is followed by an item with k+1 indents, the second one is the first one's child.

Building the hierarchy

The tree construction algorithm is implemented in src/basex/05_process_tree/build_hierarchy.xql. Broadly speaking, it involves:

The implementation of a complex algorithm in XQuery is somewhat unintuitive.

let $a_and_b := f($x) let $a := $a_and_b(1) let $b := $a_and_b(2)

Perhaps we should have used an in-memory XML element.

Tree of categories

We save the resulting tree as data_out/goods_nomenclature_tree.xml and extract a compact representation (of one language) to data_out/goods_nomenclature_tree_readable_en.xml. This processing step took 3s.

<G code="" name="Goods Nomenclature"> <G code="01" name="LIVE ANIMALS"> <G code="0101" name="Live horses, asses, mules and hinnies"> <G code="010121" name="Horses"> <G code="010121" name="Pure-bred breeding animals"/> <G code="010129" name="Other"> <G code="0101291" name="For slaughter"/> <G code="0101299" name="Other"/> </G> </G> <G code="01013" name="Asses"/> <G code="01019" name="Other"/> </G> <G code="0102" name="Live bovine animals"> <G code="010221" name="Cattle"> <G code="010221" name="Pure-bred breeding animals"> <G code="0102211" name="Heifers (female bovines that have never calved)"/> <G code="0102213" name="Cows"/> <G code="0102219" name="Other"/> </G> <G code="010229" name="Other"> <G code="01022905" name="Of the sub-genus Bibos or of the sub-genus Poephagus"/> <G code="0102291" name="Other"> <G code="0102291" name="Of a weight not exceeding 80 kg"> <G code="010229101" name="Young male bovine animals, intended for fattening"/> <G code="010229102" name="Heifers of the grey, brown or yellow mountain breeds and spotted Pinzgau breed, other than for slaughter"/> <G code="010229103" name="Heifers of the Schwyz and Fribourg breeds, other than for slaughter"/> <G code="010229104" name="Heifers of the spotted Simmental breed, other than for slaughter"/> <G code="010229105" name="Bulls of the Schwyz, Fribourg and spotted Simmental breeds, other than for slaughter"/> <G code="010229109" name="Other"/> </G> ...

Web service

In addition to processing big XML data, the databases can act as a part of a distributed system as a web-server. We show a simple example: an API to search for a name of a goods category. Our query extracts the matching nodes and their parent hierarchy. The web-API is very easy to specify thanks to RESTXQ.

xquery version "3.1"; module namespace page = ''; declare function page:tree_search_hierarchical($tree as node()?, $lang as xs:string, $query as xs:string) as node()* { let $name := $tree/description[@lang=$lang]/text() let $this_node_matches := contains(lower-case($name), $query) let $children_matching := $tree/GoodsTree ! page:tree_search_hierarchical(., $lang, $query) return if($this_node_matches or not(empty($children_matching))) then <G code="{$tree/@code}" name="{$name}"> { $children_matching } </G> else () }; (: :) declare %rest:GET %rest:path("goods/search") %rest:query-param("query", "{$text_query}", "") %rest:query-param("lang", "{$lang}", "EN") function page:hello($text_query as xs:string, $lang as xs:string) { if (string-length($text_query) = 0) then <error>No query specified</error> else let $doc := db:open("taric-base", "goods_nomenclature_tree.xml")/GoodsTree let $lang_up := upper-case($lang) let $result_hierarchy := page:tree_search_hierarchical($doc, $lang_up, lower-case($text_query)) return <response> <query>{$text_query}</query> <lang>{$lang_up}</lang> <result-hierarchy>{$result_hierarchy}</result-hierarchy> </response> };

To launch the web service:

For example http://localhost:8984/goods/search?query=parrot yields:

<response> <query>parrot</query> <lang>EN</lang> <result-hierarchy> <G code="" name="Goods Nomenclature"> <G code="01" name="LIVE ANIMALS"> <G code="0106" name="Other live animals"> <G code="010631" name="Birds"> <G code="010632" name="Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos)"/> </G> </G> </G> </G> </result-hierarchy> </response>

This query is not very efficient, it could be improved using full text features [doc 1] [doc 2].


BaseX proves to be a valuable tool for dealing with massive XML data. It can be used for inspection, business logic, and web-services. It achieves good performance thanks to indexes and query optimization.

The XQuery language provides very flexible queries of XML documents, but requires some mental effort when used for complex algorithms.

Using XML-native technologies for this task saves a lot of development effort, as no conversion to other formats was needed.

BaseX is ready to be deployed as part of an application, for example as a REST data-source.